St John Sunrise
Caribbean Summer Vacations and St. John Summer Vacations are AMAZING, especially at one of our Luxury Villa Rentals. The sea is warm and wonderful. Fewer crowds. Beaches & fun things to do. We are Mooncottages | St. John USVI Caribbean Luxury Villa Rentals & now Beach Retreats and larger villas in the Dominican Republic too! FUN! NO booking fees. NO security deposit billed. SAVE up to 22% on our site. ONLY. Singles, Couples, Families, Weddings. We have the Caribbean Summer Vacation villa or venue for you! Click any photo below and see for yourself! Or just cruise around our Lovely Website with Virtual Tours and more.
Nothing better than going out for a swim or a hike in the Virgin Islands National Park. And seeing a turtle, rays, and amazing fish of all kinds. And in the right season, you can see whales.
After Hurricane Irma in 2017 we were one of the first Luxury Villas up and running again. And so the Department of Tourism took this amazing little promotional video. Still Nice.
Driving in your little jeep up and down hills is half the fun! Everywhere you look you’ll see something that will take your breath away.
St. John is a Caribbean Affair to Remember and Magical Mooncottage is just a small part of it. We’ve always said that Mooncottages was like the Caribbean “An Affair to Remember” With an ambiance that was magical and that the view from high up on this verdant Caribbean hillside reminded us a lot of the feeling you get when you watch the classic movie.
Is it just us, or are we the only suckers for romance around the holidays? Deborah Kerr said, “… there’s something about this place that makes you want to whisper.”
Sunrise and Mooncottage St John, VI
We agree … but, we personally get pulled into a rainbow of other emotions as well at this Magical Caribbean Affair to Rember. Among these feelings is how honored we have been to be the magical Caribbean getaway for over 18 years where so many couples wanted to reunite and reconnect with their love. Or get away and discover it for the very first time.
Rainbow miracle from Mooncottage
And, this was the whole idea of St. John’s Caribbean dream of Moonocottage from the very beginning – a place to feel like you were always on a Honeymoon. But, the next time you’re feeling in need of something a little wistful, watch this classic movie with someone you love. Put your toes together underneath a blanket and let us know what feelings come up for you. We hope you’ll feel like coming back to visit us someday soon. Mooncottages has been and always will be a St John Caribbean Affair to Remember.
Where would you like to be relaxing now?
Our Teahouse Treehouse Anniversaries in St John is Magical. So are honeymoons. Occasionally we like to repost them because Anniversaries at the Teahouse Treehouse in St. John are Magical. Make some new memories of your own.
“We traveled to St. John for the first time to celebrate our 5-year anniversary. We had the pleasure of staying at the remarkable Tea House Treehouse. The views from the house were so breathtaking that we never wanted to venture away for very long. However, St. John itself is a truly magical place. We snorkeled over some of the most beautiful coral in the world, swam alongside sea turtles off the pristine beaches, and spotted an abundance of other marine life during our scuba dives.
St. John and the Tea House Treehouse will take your breath away in every way imaginable. We hope to return soon for our 10th anniversary! During our travels home from that first trip, we sadly lost our camera with all of our footage and photos. I cannot wait to go back to make an abundance of new memories!” — Stephanie H.
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Teahouse Treehouse St John VI
Great restaurants, shops … and the beach, only a short walk! Lots of great stuff to do.
MoonBeams Dominican Republic Luxury Beach Vacation Rental
See a short video of Moonbeams.
Encuentro Beach Dominican Republic
See a short video of Moonbeams.
Enjoy the Dominican Republic. This is from our wonderful, affordable SWELL Residence partners.
Everywhere … ‘Always a Smile”
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Food and Wine Mooncottages
Mooncottage Romantic St John Villa was featured in Food and Wine Magazine last month. You may need a subscription to read the whole article. But here are the high points. How about that huh!? Nice to get a little recognition. We are celebrating our 19th year in business.
Wow. 2004. Since that time, we have been proud to have hosted well 0ver 1000 customers. Many of them come back year after year and add to our 18 years of consecutive 5-star reviews.
Mooncottage romantic villas in St John was a labor of love. It wasn’t easy to build here. It took 7 years to complete. We bought the property in 1998 and opened our doors in 2004. And my greatest pleasure is always to read the Guest Book upon my return. It is filled with heart warming things that people have experienced here. Last year we held a contest on Facebook and asked our former guests to tell us a short story about their experience here. Many relationships and (and familied) started here. And, we are very proud of that.
I encourage you to learn more about our little business Mooncottages. And see what romantic St John villas can do to refresh your life. Come visit here in St John sometime soon. You won’t be sorry. Guaranteed. pened a ne
We have also opened a new division of beach villas in the Dominican Republic that are equally as amazing as our St. John Luxury Villas. Why not take a looksie. WavesDR
Please follow us on Facebook and Instagram or Twitter if you care to. This will keep you current with special offers or anything else local that is happening here that is fun. And join our mailing list for specials.
Cheers. And Happy New Year.
Food and Wine Mooncottages
Mooncottage St John Back Yard
There are so many special reasons why choosing Mooncottage for your 25th Anniversary is so special. But we’ve narrowed it down to (7) seven. In our 15 years of business, far and away from the most often booked couples’ vacations are those on an anniversary. And, more often than not it’s a SILVER anniversary. Congratulations!
We’ve mentioned for years the 5 reasons that make Mooncottage so special
Ridiculously Romantic, Spectacular Ocean Views, Just Feels Right, Oh! So Very Private, Magical Ambiance.
But, now we’re going to give you 7 NEW reasons why Mooncottage is so perfect for Anniversaries — Silver Anniversaries in particular.
Choosing Mooncottage for your 25th Anniversary reflects so many aspects of a long-lasting relationship. For a couple to stay together for this many years takes work … and many other things. A loving and lasting relationship also takes a tranquil spirit. One that can adapt. Roll with the changes. Pick up where you left off–and begin again. What makes Mooncottage so special, is that we are attuned to nature. Nature is adaptable, rolls with changes, and can begin again when trouble comes ’round. You can feel how the structure and the surroundings blend together in perfect harmony here to create tranquility.
My parents were married for 58 years. It astounds me to this day how they could do that. Well, one reason was because of beauty. My parents thought one another the most beautiful human on the planet. (And, they were pretty cute admittedly ). But, they told each other that regularly until the day they died. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course. But, we can promise you how beautiful Mooncottage is on the outside and inside …. for you.
Mom and Dad Early 1940’s
This word can mean many things to many people. But in our case, it means, “cozy.” You will never be too far away from one another–nor too close if you need some space. There isn’t one square foot of this exquisite property that doesn’t “make sense.” Not a single place that has no meaning. Because every piece of architecture, or casual object you see, is not casual at all. EVERYthing at Mooncottage has meaning and a story. Nothing is arbitrary. And, isn’t that what intimacy really should be all about?
Ok, we said this before in the first 5 reasons, but it simply can’t be described how magical a place this place really is. The magic here is not an illusion. The magic here is real. Because the magic of love is not an illusion either. And, the authenticity of that is palpable here. “Be not ‘afeard. The isle is full of noises. Sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not.” — William Shakespeare
From the perfectly tuned wind chimes to the 4-poster teak bed. From the panoramic million-star view to the carefully laid coral stone flooring. In the evening lighting inside is seen from the pool outside. This place says … “Romance, come to me.”
Everything in the design and site selection of Mooncottage which began in 1998 began with a Design for Love. I traveled to Jamaica when I was in my 20’s and visited Noel Coward’s house, Firefly, on top of a mountain overlooking “Little Bay.” (Pronounced Lickel Bay with a Jamaican lilt) And, I was smoked. I KNEW that I had to build something like this someday. And when I climbed that big tree looking for my perfect spot on St. John for Mooncottage, I saw that view in which I fell in LOVE and designed a villa to try to complement the view’s perfection. But, it was always designed to be shared with someone you have a great love for. You’ll see why.
Privacy is key. For 15 years, potential guests ask me without fail 2 questions: #1 “How far is it to the beach? (not far) But hearing this for 15 years was the inspiration for us to create WavesDR Beach Getaways in the Dominican Republic. #2 question is usually asked with a shy clearing of the throat, “Ahh, just how private are you … I mean, like at the pool?” My answer invariably is that swimsuits are illegal and irrelevant here. That’s how private it is. Choosing Mooncottage for your 25th Anniversary is a decision you will never regret.
Why not stay at Mooncottage like so many Anniversary Couples have over the years for Anniversaries of any length. Or … why not JOIN OUR MAILING LIST
From all we’ve seen, traveling to a smaller-sized vacation destination is safer in these turbulent times. And, as St John reopens to tourism as of June 1st, 2020, I am reminded of a John Muir quote:
“Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.”
Muir was a famous 19th-century naturalist. He was an early advocate for the preservation of America’s wilderness and the healing power of nature. He helped preserve Yosemite Valley and the Sequoia National Park. And of course, Muir Woods. On May 19, 1945, more than 500 United Nations delegates came from the first U.N. peace conference in San Francisco to gather at Muir Woods National Monument where the first meeting of the United Nations occurred.
Had Mr. Muir ever visited St John, he surely would have recognized the island’s natural beauty as a source of strength and healing power of nature.
John Muir and Theodore Roosevelt
Indeed, Laurance Rockefeller, the philanthropist, at first sight, thought St. John the most beautiful place in the world. So much so was his belief in St John’s idyllic beauty, he dedicated himself to creating the Virgin Island National Park. Because of Mr. Rockefeller’s vision and generosity nearly 60% of St John Island’s natural beauty is preserved for all to marvel at in perpetuity.
Laurance Rockefeller in St John USVI
Behold a touch of a rainbow over Coral Bay from Mooncottage.
We know one thing for sure. Our villa guests are some of the most experienced and sophisticated travelers in the world. For instance, they know their desire to get away has never been greater. They also know, in that desire to get away, is an essential message about their self-care. So, as St John reopens to tourism we offer a simple proposal for your consideration. Choose to visit St John now and you’ll discover our private villas are surrounded by indescribable natural beauty. As a result, they can be your starting point for rest and healthy self-renewal during these trying times of the past few months.
Your safety and health is our highest priority. We opened on June 1st, 2020 and our Virgin Islands Governor Albert Bryan Jr. is saying the following, “I must note though that so far we have only had three tourists that have tested positive for the virus since June 1, 2020, when we opened.” Yet, Bryan said greater screening measures go into effect Monday, July 13, for passengers “originating” in Arizona, Texas, and Florida. As a result, we know your continuing good health in these turbulent times is now an essential consideration in your decision about where, when, and how to travel. However, if you believe you are confident in your ability to keep you and your family safe when traveling, we think there are extremely good reasons for choosing St John as your next vacation getaway. So, no matter your decision please know this. Whether you decide to visit now or soon, we would be thrilled to welcome you to our private villas.
Spending time enveloped in nature is responsible for many scientifically proven, measurable beneficial changes in the body. In short, you will experience the healing power of nature. For example, stress reduction is just one such critical benefit. Far from the maddening crowds, imagine the approach of your first St John evening. Embrace the peacefulness and serenity you’ll feel at the extraordinary beauty of the sunset over Coral Bay. I suspect your heart rate will slow. This St John nightfall is filled with soothing natural sounds and sweet delightful breezes. In our secluded and tranquil villa, a night of deep sleep awaits you. Under a thousand million stars, surrounded by lush verdant greenery, your mind and body will begin their desired restoration.
Upon awakening, the panoramic St John views will dazzle your senses: the prominence of mountains, the expanse of the Caribbean Sea, and the unfolding life of a flower. You’ll experience wonder and delight in this encounter. Moreover, you will be awestruck by the beauty that surrounds you. Most importantly, the good you will feel is simply unavoidable. Why you ask? Perhaps, because at this moment you feel completely connected to the entire world. Shakespeare wrote, “one touch of nature makes the world kin.” (this is not a typo … kin in this case means “family.”
Well. Just take a look at this cool video at Teahouse Treehouse villa rental one of my recent guests. You always have a fresh breeze blowing in your face. (You can see how the clouds move right over the top of you.) But let’s make a shortlist. See all Teahouse Treehouse Photos
Snorkeling is always a great bet. And one of the best places to go is right in front of you on this video. Look at the lowest spot on the video. That is called Haulover. It’s on East End about 10 minutes for the Teahouse Treehouse.
What can I say about Blue Sky Concierge and Shanna Dickerson? She is our Mooncottages St John Villa Rentals Guest Concierge helping you have an ever a better time in St John.
Shanna is an athlete, world traveler and consummate professional when helping connect our villa guests to something they want to do while in the Caribbean. She is a driven business professional with a heart of gold and you will love working with her. She is upbeat, positive and truly a nice person.
Here’s Shanna’s story:
In 2010, at 30 years old, she was already having a midlife crisis and was considering a major pivot in her life and career. The recurring question she kept asking herself, “Is it more important to live where you want and find work, or stay where you are climbing a corporate ladder with the hopes of retiring to an amazing place when you’re 60?”
At nineteen years old she launched a career in the music industry after standing on the stage looking out at 30,000 people during a concert of Widespread Panic, access granted from her boyfriend at the time, whose dad was managing the band. Then and there, she decided that she wanted to be on the back end of the concert industry, bringing the biggest artists to people around the world. She then spent her twenties in Nashville promoting and working with such artists as The Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, Kenny Chesney, Jay Z, The Police, Pearl Jam, Jimmy Buffett, Snoop Dogg, Stevie Wonder, Kayne West, Foo Fighters, Metallica and Tim McGraw. Her most fulfilling job during those years was as tour manager for Steve Winwood in 2004, spending months on the road with him and the band on a tour bus.
By 30, she had achieved her dreams in the music industry and decided it was time to go after another dream. Growing up in Charlotte, North Carolina, her parents often brought her and her brother to the Virgin Islands for vacations. This entrepreneur was craving an adventurous island life, and so, against the advice of her friends and co-workers, she sold all of her belongings, terminated the lease on her Nashville apartment, and used her remaining money to move with her yellow lab, Dakota, to St. John in the US Virgin Islands to start living a new dream.
St John vacation rentals owners’ and guests’ favorite gardener. Meet the irrepressible Josephine Roller and hear her vision about composting post storm organic materials instead of throwing them in the dump. We’ve had so much organic wood-based waste to dispose of after the Hurricane IRMA and she is very outspoken about what should be done. She has met with USVI Governor Mapp about this concept but has not received a green light.
Josephine’s vision is both philanthropic and environmentally correct. The Ball Field by the Moravian Church in Coral Bay has been the staging area for stuff that needed to be disposed. An ongoing movement, Josephine said she is willing to compost it all and give it out to neighbors.
I met Josephine 20 years ago when I was beginning to landscape at Mooncottage. She knows everything when it comes to plants. I call her “Doctor” … as she has a PHD in Agriculture and once ran the Dept of Agriculture facility here in Coral Bay. And, she’s enigmatic and energetic the proprietor of the only Organic Farm on St John. I asked her why vines started to grow right after the hurricanes. She said, “Nature doesn’t like to be naked, so they filled in temporarily.” (BIG laugh from her after). Classic Josephine.
Also seen on this video is her son Hugo Jr. He works on the farm. Their daughter Mimi was on the USVI Olympic sailing team. Both Hugo Jr. and Mimi are the most physically beautiful young athletes and nicest people you’ll ever want to meet.
Josephine’s Greens are famous here on St John and St Thomas and are carried by most all of the grocery stores, but you can always stop by their working farm to pick up eatables like amazingly spicy arugula, micro mix, spinach, tomatoes when in season, herbs, papaya, etc. … and beautiful plants and orchids for the garden.
We villa owners know Josephine very well, with her BIG laugh and BIG smile. She and husband Hugo have managed the Coral Bay Garden Center as long as I’ve been here and that was 1998. Her store in the valley in Coral Bay was pretty badly beat up in Hurricane Irma … but they are gradually rebuilding and are doing a great job. Stop in and see her.
When you come down for vacation at Mooncottages St John Cottage Rentals or anywhere else on the island, take a ride out to Mumbo Jumbo in Coral Bay. It’s in the same complex as Skinny’s restaurant where the famous burgers are are served. Vanessa runs Mumbo Jumbo in Coral Bay with great beach wear, spices, souvenirs, flip flops and the best of vibes on the planet.
I’ve personally known Vanessa and Larry Clarke for over 15 years. They have two amazing kids and work darn every day. Larry you can’t miss with a shock of blond hair–in fact, they ALL have blonde hair. Larry also has a trucking business in Coral Bay as is a fireman that lives often right at the bottom of the hill where our villas are and where the firehouse currently. Good guy to know for a lot of important reasons if you own or manage a rental villa 🙂
Open almost anytime you should be awake, Mumbo Jumbo has something fun and reasonable to please the kids or family in between going to the beaches on our lovely St John. We’ll write up something about Skinny’s another time, the venerable hamburger joint often with music on random evenings. Always fun to mix the two events–eating and shopping!
Stop in & tell ‘em we sent ‘cya.