There are so many special reasons why choosing Mooncottage for your 25th Anniversary is so special. But we’ve narrowed it down to (7) seven. In our 15 years of business, far and away from the most often booked couples’ vacations are those on an anniversary. And, more often than not it’s a SILVER anniversary. Congratulations!
We’ve mentioned for years the 5 reasons that make Mooncottage so special
Ridiculously Romantic, Spectacular Ocean Views, Just Feels Right, Oh! So Very Private, Magical Ambiance.
But, now we’re going to give you 7 NEW reasons why Mooncottage is so perfect for Anniversaries — Silver Anniversaries in particular.
Choosing Mooncottage for your 25th Anniversary reflects so many aspects of a long-lasting relationship. For a couple to stay together for this many years takes work … and many other things. A loving and lasting relationship also takes a tranquil spirit. One that can adapt. Roll with the changes. Pick up where you left off–and begin again. What makes Mooncottage so special, is that we are attuned to nature. Nature is adaptable, rolls with changes, and can begin again when trouble comes ’round. You can feel how the structure and the surroundings blend together in perfect harmony here to create tranquility.
My parents were married for 58 years. It astounds me to this day how they could do that. Well, one reason was because of beauty. My parents thought one another the most beautiful human on the planet. (And, they were pretty cute admittedly ). But, they told each other that regularly until the day they died. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder of course. But, we can promise you how beautiful Mooncottage is on the outside and inside …. for you.
Mom and Dad Early 1940’s
This word can mean many things to many people. But in our case, it means, “cozy.” You will never be too far away from one another–nor too close if you need some space. There isn’t one square foot of this exquisite property that doesn’t “make sense.” Not a single place that has no meaning. Because every piece of architecture, or casual object you see, is not casual at all. EVERYthing at Mooncottage has meaning and a story. Nothing is arbitrary. And, isn’t that what intimacy really should be all about?
Ok, we said this before in the first 5 reasons, but it simply can’t be described how magical a place this place really is. The magic here is not an illusion. The magic here is real. Because the magic of love is not an illusion either. And, the authenticity of that is palpable here. “Be not ‘afeard. The isle is full of noises. Sounds, and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not.” — William Shakespeare
From the perfectly tuned wind chimes to the 4-poster teak bed. From the panoramic million-star view to the carefully laid coral stone flooring. In the evening lighting inside is seen from the pool outside. This place says … “Romance, come to me.”
Everything in the design and site selection of Mooncottage which began in 1998 began with a Design for Love. I traveled to Jamaica when I was in my 20’s and visited Noel Coward’s house, Firefly, on top of a mountain overlooking “Little Bay.” (Pronounced Lickel Bay with a Jamaican lilt) And, I was smoked. I KNEW that I had to build something like this someday. And when I climbed that big tree looking for my perfect spot on St. John for Mooncottage, I saw that view in which I fell in LOVE and designed a villa to try to complement the view’s perfection. But, it was always designed to be shared with someone you have a great love for. You’ll see why.
Privacy is key. For 15 years, potential guests ask me without fail 2 questions: #1 “How far is it to the beach? (not far) But hearing this for 15 years was the inspiration for us to create WavesDR Beach Getaways in the Dominican Republic. #2 question is usually asked with a shy clearing of the throat, “Ahh, just how private are you … I mean, like at the pool?” My answer invariably is that swimsuits are illegal and irrelevant here. That’s how private it is. Choosing Mooncottage for your 25th Anniversary is a decision you will never regret.
Why not stay at Mooncottage like so many Anniversary Couples have over the years for Anniversaries of any length. Or … why not JOIN OUR MAILING LIST